I just made the switch from Apple Music to Tidal, happy with it so far.


If you were to choose a #music #streaming service based on their ethics, which would it be?

Apple, Spotify, Amazon, or Tidal

Where are the best places to buy #digital music? I’m sort of done with streaming services. I just want to buy an album and keep it like in the good ole' days.

Just finished: In the Beginning…Was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson 📚

I loved this book! Though it’s aged, it brings me back to the fun that the early days of being a Linux user and computer nerd in general. I hate to say it, but computing was way more exciting back then.. in the 90’s that is.

I installed a tie-in for my 70lb English Staffordshire Terrier, it was rated for 200lbs… dog broke it in about 15 seconds.


As I write this online, I would really like to start relying on fewer online services.

#localmachine #luddite #linux

I’m looking for a new #notes app. I want something that is not a web app. I don’t want to depend on the Internet for my notes, I do want a way to sync though so I can take notes on my phone and easily get them on my PC, #Linux friendly is a must.

Installed @COSMIC_desktop@fosstodon.org on Pop_OS! 22.04. I’m liking what I am seeing. Trying to figure out the keyboard shortcuts right now. If I could, I would like to avoid using the mouse as much as I could.

#linux #cosmicdesktop

I think I’m going to install Pop_OS! Today and install the cosmic alpha packages… I’m just too darn impatient.


I made the mistake of visiting X this morning after debates… eeek!

Watched “Trigger Warning” on Netflix. Super cheesy, and what’s with special effects these days, her TV show back in 2001 had better shots. Jessica aged well though, Minus the Botox in her upper lip. Why do people destroy their lips?

I started playing with the Warp terminal for the first time after being reminded it existed listening to the last episode of Coder Radio. It is super nice, the AI features both scare and fascinate me also. It falls right into my Omakub setup also.

#linux #dev

My daughters just discovered the evil that is dad era playground toys.

Right now, until #System76 Cosmic comes and shows me differently, I feel #Ubuntu 24.04 with #Omakub from DHH is the best #Linux setup out there.

I have an old Contabo VPS I haven’t been using, I decided to throw old reliable #Debian on it and I’m going to throw on Caddy for a #webserver and just use it for pet projects and experiments I think.

#Linux #dev

Chris Fisher does a good explanation and more in depth look into Nostr’s potential and future on this weeks Linux Unplugged.

#nostr #linux #opensource

I’ve been using JellyFin for my movie collection for some time. I just realized I could install Plex on my WD MyCloud. This frees up a machine for me, which I can use for Umbrel now. I hope the performance is good. I’ll test it for a few days.

Course Correction

I have started my course correction into the security world. I plan on pursuing some certifications to help me get into an entry level security position. I’ve applied for a scholarship with the Sans Institute. If I get it, I’m covered, if not, I will probably proceed with working on getting my Security+ cert first.

I’m working with the kind folks in Vetsec to guide me on my path. I am hoping to get myself in the door within a year. That goal may be pushing it, but we will see. I’ll know about the scholarship around July 1st and then move on from there depending on the Sans decision.